A worthy sequel in this classic series.

User Rating: 9 | Resident Evil Code: Veronica X PS2
Resident Evil Code: Veronica was first released in 2000 exclusively for Dreamcast. However a year later, Capcom announced the full version for PS2 called Veronica X, which added some cut scenes and minor graphical upgrade.

Interesting story line:
RECV X happened about 3 months after the events in previous versions.You will follow Claire Redfield, in the adventure to find her missing brother, Chirs, in Rockfort, an island doomed by T-virus epidemic. The story reveals the fates of the key figures in Resident Evil world.And while associating closely to prior RE games, it also contains lots of new horror materials, that will surely live up to your expectation.

Standard Resident Evil game play:
Code Veronica X continues the sophisticated combination of adventure and action. Once again, you will see much of your effort spent on "How to open the door A" or "How to reach location X". Hence the items used for your adventure are still keys, electric cards or other stuff to open locks. Conform to RE tradition, puzzles in the game are not complicated and most can be resolved by trying quest items multiple times on different objects. Fortunately, this part is arranged very cleverly: most of the time, puzzles act like the rest in a symphony full of horror, so that players can take a breath and prepare for the next fights.
Action factors have always been the major theme in RE. Code Veronica X also immerses you in thorny circumstances and satiable shot exchanges. While the collection of guns is big enough, ammunition is quite rare, forcing you to consider each of your shot and bringing about a certain pressure along with frightened feeling. Your main character now can use a pair of Semi-Automatic Pistols aiming 2 targets at the same time, which is very useful when fighting hordes of walking dead. Another typical feature of RE is that you have more than one character to control. First half of the game you play Claire and after that Chris, and Steve Burnside, though you still can return to Claire in sometimes. Most enemies in the game are old acquaintances : zombies, Cerberus, mutant bats and spiders, Hunters, Tyrants... However, this release also introduces new monster like Bandersnatch and more remarkably, new bosses that are produced from virus T-Veronica. Commonly speaking, Actions in the game are always breathtaking, stressful and full of horror.

A step forward in Graphics:
Developed for a modern and powerful console at that time: PS2, RECV X totally got rid of the pre-rendered background of prior versions. Instead, it introduced brand new 3D environment to the series. This improvement not only made players feel more comfortable while moving around but also indicated the effort from Capcom to keep RE trademark from obsolescence.

It's really hard to find out a flaw of RECV X. Up to now, it has been 8 years since the game was released, but this amount of time is not enough to fade away the impression it made in my minds.