Not having any horror in this game is not the worst part about this game.

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
I'll be honest I just have really started to get into the Resident Evil Series I just played the 4th one and I have played Resident Evil Revelations for the 3ds, and that's pretty much the only one I have played before this installment, so I don't know everything about the Resident Evil series and I won't pretend I will, but I will talk about my experience with this game.

First off the most important thing everybody has been asking about this game is where's the horror? Well it's definitely not there, I mean they blatantly didn't even try, every area is usually in the sun and most people don't get scared when the sun's out, why are there no areas, that are even close to being remotely scary, they didn't even try to make this a scary game and fine if you're going to do that at least change the name of the series and I don't mean change the name Resident Evil, they could keep the name but call it a different series for example Resident evil Revelations 2, or something like that at least make it a series known more for the story, and then it would be okay to get rid of the horror. Why did they have to get rid of it completely?

While the no horror is a downer it gets worse, probably the biggest flaw in this game is you're partner Sheva, she really has nothing to add to the story however she is just an alright character, but when it comes to the computer playing her as your partner it may be the stupidest computer in the history of gaming, and I am not lying. First off there are actually sometimes when she can be helpful when she will actually kill some enemies but those are few and far between as you move on she will do nothing but bother you there will be many times where you will have to hold on to an enemy and you must wait for her help, and guess what most of the time she won't be paying attention, she's a handicap through the whole game, you will be dying and begging for help while she is a couple steps away from you and she won't listen, This is the worst flaw of the game never have I seen a computer be so retarded, this was another half assed attempt on this game by Capcom.

The boss battles are decent but all of them are dull and uninspired most of them look all the same and some of them are just really not good especially the last one, (Spoiler Alert) The last boss is Albert Wesker you must fight him twice the first battle you must shoot him with a rocket launcher and then get your partner to hold on to Wesker while you inject him(I don't remember what they call the thing they inject him with) this boss battle is just awful first off Albert Wesker is way too powerful, I realize he is the main boss but he takes out like three quarters of your health with one hit that's BS, that is the biggest freaking load of crap, and not only that, you are handicapped because as I mentioned before The computer playing as Sheva, is freaking retarted and will barely help you, like when you need her to grab Albert Wesker she will be nowhere to be found. Once you finally beat the first part of Albert Wesker you must face him again, oh joy, well could it get worse? Oh yes it can now you must run and shoot at Wesker, he will be taken over by those black vine type monsters(don't remember what they are called) and he starts throwing his arms around aggressively and if he hits you one time you're dead, yeah that is just great. Now you must shoot a certain part of Weskers body, you must either hit it on his back or front and that's no easy job because there is no room to go anywhere and once your cornered your screwed after playing and dying over and over again I was able to defeat him, After you beat him, you get a lackluster ending and that's it.

Overall there are some very visible flaws however there are some really good things about this game, the first three chapters were really fun but after that I feel like it started to go downhill. The graphics are really good some of the best on the ps3. The controls are good not perfect; they do actually take some time to get used to too. The setup of your weapons are stale and should be improved, and there just isn't enough room for weapons and if you are going to do this then why not add more room as you progress like Resident Evil 4 did. They also just totally changed this game, like I said there is no horror and there is no strategy either, there is so much ammo everywhere, in most Resident Evil game's you must use your ammo wisely but on this one there is ammo everywhere, now most people aren't happy about this however I actually don't mind it, but it still doesn't make it feel like Resident Evil . Look it's definitely not the best Resident Evil, but it's worth playing for the most part, after Resident Evil 4, you shouldn't expect a game better than that one because that game was a masterpiece, but I know they could have tried a lot harder on this one.