People call this game overrated but for me, it was my first dip into Resident Evil and I had a blast!

User Rating: 9.5 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
Resident Evil 5, for me, was a game that kept me addicted for a long, long time. Although the action is slow paced, the story and characters kept me hooked. To the upgrading of the weapons to the final boss fight with one of the most badass video game characters ever, Albert Wesker, this game was complete in every way.

Resident Evil 5 starts off with longtime Resident Evil character Chris Redfield and the new girl on the block Sheva Alomar, attempting to apprehend Ricardo Irving, a dealer in biological weapons. The plan goes awry and Chris and Sheva end up being the only ones left in their unit. They eventually go rogue after Chris finds out Jill Valentine, Chris' old partner is still alive. Along the way they discover more about Uruboros, a new biological weapon that is being developed by Albert Wesker, Resident Evil's manipulative and awesome villain. The story that goes along with it is well-fleshed out and engaging from beginning to end.

The weapon upgrading is what kept me hooked for a long time. Going out of my way to collect treasures to sell in order to upgrade my weapon was the main reason why I kept playing. The other reason I kept playing was so I could beat the game in less than 5 hours so I could get infinite RPGs. Once I got infinite RPGs the game became a little too easy but even then I kept playing. The only reason I stopped is because I bought another game to occupy me but I still found myself going back to Resident Evil from time to time.

This game is superb. I only found one fault with the game and that was not being able to move and shoot. Other than that, the game is awesome and I think that everyone should try the game at least once.

This is Sniper-Gamer and I rate Resident Evil 5 9.5 out of 10.
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