Wafer thin

User Rating: 5.5 | Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares X360
Hmm, is this expansion worth 400 Microsoft points? I'm not sure it is.

I'll spare you the details of unravelling the plot, as you probably already know. Plus, there's very little to this extra content; It's taken me about forty five minutes to complete- I've had Happy Meals that lasted longer than that! This quick time is down to very simple game play and incredibly meagre puzzles.

Quite simply, this is not a complete game. It's a very stingy slice of what should have been a reward to the player given as unlockable extra content on completion of the game.

This download failed to impress, and although it's fairly nostalgic rummaging around the Spencer Estate (which wreaks of the Original RE mansion), I can't help but feel slightly robbed. Developers have taken advantage of downloadable content and have used it as an excuse to take gamers money when this really should have been included on the original Resident Evil 5 game. It's simply not special enough to stand alone.

It's a shame that we're being rinsed of every last penny by fat cats. The Microsoft points system is expensive enough without having tricks like this pulled on us.

It looks very much like developers are going to start charging us extra for content that, in my opinion, we would have originally gotten for free.