I am a big fan of the series but I do not like the way it is going. Resident Evil 5 is a good action game, I must say.

User Rating: 6.5 | Resident Evil 5 PC
First of all I must start by saying that I am a huge fun of the series, have completed all games except for the spin offs and the 6th one and I hate the new way the series are directed BUT, I most say that I am trying my best to be impartial here.

The good:

- Great Graphics
- Excelent Sound
- Good lenght Campaign
- Nice amount of extras
- Cooperative multiplayer

The bad:

- Weak story
- Very weak lines
- Bad camera and controls
- A little to much quick time events
- Zombies with guns!
- A little repetitive
- No tension
- Dumb AI


This game is no Survivor Horror, it is an Action game, and I must say it is a GOOD action game, NOT GREAT game. If you are a great fan of shooting games, you may consider it a buy. If you like smart and Horror games, step aside while you can.

The Story of this game is really weak, we have a new virus that infected a lot of people in Africa and now we have got an special team to solve problems with biological weapons the BSAA because there are a lot of this attacks in the world now and everything now does not end up in zombies, infected dogs and a biological weapon here and there, no, zombies drive, uses fire weapons and things like that. Ridicolous, I know.

As you can probably guess, with such a weak plot like that - new virus, Wesker behind it all and nothing deeper than that -, the lines are horrible, all the cliches of mediocre action movies are here and you know, with bad lines, even with great voice acting it still feels awfull.

We have great graphics and sound here, everything looks full of detail, we have great models and textures, nice particules effect and everything looks very brightfull, something that I find quite bad for an Horror game, but as I said before, this game is an action game and not an Survivor Horror game, so it is excusable.

The camera is very bad at times and I must say that the mouse is to much sensitive, what can be very frustrating at times and spoil much of the fun. This game has something like 15 to 18 hours, it could be less if the AI was less stupid, the controls were better, the camera and if you had an story that build up tension that sucked you in, and the lack of that all that separates this game of being an great action game, as I said, it is only good, NOT great.

Another thing that get really on the nerves is that there are a little to much of quick time events and diferently of the Resident Evil 4, some of then are not implemented very well, the environment has nothing to do about horror what sometimes happened in Resident Evil 4. One great thing this game haves on top of Resident Evil 4 is the cooperative gameplay, but I must break on you, it is very limited, it is only a bit better than playing with the AI.

Overall I give this game 6,5 out of 10,0.