Pretty fun game, I'd say

User Rating: 9 | Resident Evil 5 (Collector's Edition) PS3
First off, I never played a Resident Evil game before this one. I know this game is more of an action/shooter than a survival/horror game, unlike Resident Evil 1-3 that were survival/horror. I started this game on amateur with my sister (split screen) and this game was still a bit tricky. Both of us aren't the greatest Resident Evil players around, but I consider both of us okay I guess.

Controls: Well, the controls are hard to get used too. You can't walk/run while you aim. Almost time I try to punch an enemy I do an action button (like jump down, climb up, etc), then I realized the punching command only pops randomly, but I still got used to it as I continued the game.

Graphics: Nice graphics, very well done. Good graphics in 720p (for the PS3 version)

Story: Seems like a virus is basically spreading throughout people and I need to find a way to stop it. I understood the story for the most part.

Sound: Great voice acting (imo), and lots of cut scenes (not like Final Fantasy though)

Gameplay(different from controls): I love the co-op feature, I been playing split screen with my sister (she's Shieva and I'm Chris) not many games on PS3 that have split screen co-op, getting gold is really easy in this game (kill zombies, they drop gold and jewels which you can sell from like 1k-10k gold) upgrading your weapons is easy, the difficulty isn't really that hard too, This game seems to have a lot of reply value (since it has trophies). I also love the quick time events (where you press buttons during cut scenes).

Overall score: 9/10