Resident Evil 4 is probably the best and most challenging game in the series. Here's why.

User Rating: 9 | BioHazard 4 GC
The Resident Evil series has gone a long way in their invention of the survival horror genre. There have been 20 Res Ev games to date, and this one is by far the most interesting and fun. The inventory isn't as annoying as the other inventories in the previous games. In this one, the inventory relies on "boxes." The bigger the item, the more boxes it takes up. You can buy an inventory with 77 boxes from the Merchant. The graphics are stunning for a 2005 game. The characters have a Kingdom Hearts look to them. When Leon walks or runs, his hair bobs up and down like it would in reality. The crazed people (not zombies) are very well detailed, and easy to point out. The audio is also stunning. The crazed people make the strangest noises (which are very clear), and the talking is not fuzzy at all. The game never lags, surprisingly. All the motions are smooth and have a flowing quality to them. Res Ev 4 is much easier than the rest of the games. Unlike the first Resident Evil, in this one a shotgun is available starting at the second level. There is also a boatload of ammo boxes throughout the game. If you grab all the ammo boxes and stop at level 2, then you will have around 147. Same with the shotgun. There are many opportunities to grab shotgun shells. An updated feature that was not in the other games is the little mini-games that they offer. In one mini-game, you shoot 15 blue medallions, which are scattered all across the game. There are also many puzzles in the game. They are very freaking impossible. On some of them, the only way you can figure them out is by looking up the solution on the web. You get no information about these puzzles earlier on in the game and they come at you out of the blue, so I wish you good luck if you don't have Internet connection.
I recommend this game to anyone who likes first-person shooters that are pretty scary and non-stop gory action violence. And very freaking impossible puzzles.