RE4 the best

User Rating: 10 | Resident Evil 4 PS2
When GC ownes got this game in January or February i was upset because Capcom left PS2 for GC. Then when i heard that RE4 was going to come to PS2 in October i thanked the gaming gods "Capcom" for finally coming to their senses. I saw the commerical and thought its going to suck on PS2. Wrong. When i played the game i was amazed at the control, camera, and graphics never has RE looked so fine! The control of previous RE games was chunky like trying to eat a hard candybar but thankfully the control is fixed, the camera also (hated it in RE Code Veronica )is fixed to the back of the player following him whereever he goes. The action is top notch to that of a action movie rather than b-rated horror movies finally no more mansion crap. The Shenmue type button scenes make the game better than having to actually do certain scenes like in Shenmue where you press a button to block a person from hitting you and moving out of the way. Capcom did a great game of porting it from GC to PS2!. Go buy this game now!!!