Dropping $5 on a good coffee and a doughnut would be more satisfying.

User Rating: 2 | Reel Fishing Challenge WII
OK, you get what you pay for...sometimes. When I first saw this I thought it would be a low stress time killer for when I needed to clear my head a bit. What I got was a boring waste of 5 bucks with frustrating controls.

I thought that when I only saw one scene in the sample pics was because that's all they chose to show, but no...there is only one scene in the entire game! There is one pool in front of a waterfall. it is very narrow, the sides are too shallow to cast into, there are no hazards, no rocks, no weeds, no shadow areas, nothing.

The Wii controllers are about the only positive side, but the control is so inconsistent that you spend a good portion of the time dropping your lure directly in front of you. The odd time you get the lure into the center of the shallow pond, it is fairly easy to catch a fish but keeping it on the line is another story. There seems to be no actual difference between what lure and line you use and your chances of catching a fish. I can't tell you how many times a 1 pound fish snapped a 70pound test line, only to have it give you the exact same message about the line breaking every single time.

There is a "free play" mode and a "challenge" mode if you want to call them that. Challenge mode is the exact same as free play mode except they put a timer at the top of the screen and if you don't catch a certain fish in a certain time limit you...lose.

Bottom line (pun intended), Wii should be ashamed for charging money for this.