The Game That Just Passed Failure.

User Rating: 5 | Red Steel WII
i have played this game many times and am nowhere close to beating it, but i have enough experience to right a review.

i thought of it as almost a fail.

when seeing the hand holding the gun on-screen, it looks kinda awkward the way he twists his wrist around. but the cool part is you can hold your gun like a gangster. the sword fighting is the biggest piece of crap ever. it is non-responsive to special moves and the enemies are all the same, although they do get tougher. the storyline is kinda cheesy. like, oh no my GF is gone so im gonna be racist and shoot japanese guys in the face. and there is a lack of graphic quality. because as far as i know, when being shot, stabbed, or slashed, most of the time there is blood. the offline multiplayer is ok, but an online multiplayer with modes like CTF or some kinda sword fighting thing would be kinda cool but, alas they did no such thing. its an ok game for the not-so hardcore gamers but if your looking for lots of decapitations and gore-fests, run the other way just as fast as you came.

thank you for reading and please post comments.