A good but flawed game.

User Rating: 7 | Red Steel WII
Red Steel is a good game. However, it comes with many flaws. Due to these flaws the game is definitely not worth a buy. But if your looking for a decent rental, do not overlook Red Steel. One of Red Steels shining points is its gunplay controls. Aim with the remote as if it were a gun and shoot with B. To bring your gun to eye level and lock on hold A and extend the Wii remote towards the screen. If your holding an Uzi or pistol, if you turn the Wii remote sideways, Scott(your protagonist) will turn his hand sideways. And this works really well. But their are some control hang-ups in the gunplay as well, but this is rare. It also has some great explosions and destructible environments. Its also fun to watch something explode while an enemy is near the explosion and see them going flying thirty feet in the air. But the game does not live up to its name. You'd think since its called "Red Steel" it would excel at its first-person swordplay. Well it doesn't. The sword controls are slow and sometimes unresponsive. I really did not like the swordplay. Its also worth mentioning the game does not feature blood even though its called RED Steel. Another problem is the graphics. Their ugly. They would've looked good on the PS2, but this is the Wii and I know the Wii can do way better. This voice acting could've been better to. And the final problem is the AI. The AI will do stupid things like reload without taking cover, or just freezing. Overall Red Steel is a not-so solid game, but you should definitely rent. But do not buy it. Its not worth it.