Total disappointment and not really Red Faction

User Rating: 5 | Red Faction II PC
I could only play a part of the first level and then stopped and removed the game from my PC. Red Faction 2 is not at all like the good original RF game. The words Red Faction should not be in the title. The presentation of the story is poor and you actually do not really know who you are and what you are doing here. The story itself is ridiculous and simply bad (cliché dictator, bla bla) and is not connected to the original title. Graphics and environments are dull, boring and look like a half-finished product. Weapons are many (too many) but many of them look the same and are not cool at all. The game play is simplistic and clearly stems from the console. Blowing up things can be fun with this engine but is done in a too primitive way, worse than in the original game. Lack of saving game progress is another very annoying issue. Enemies are boring and all characters are just a bunch of polygons with terribly awkward movements. Overall it is a badly ported bad console game and real PC gamers should avoid it, especially if you liked the first RF. I give RF2 a score of 5 and not less just because it has some gameplay and shooting and people totally unfamiliar with PC gaming may still have some fun playing it.