Red Faction Armageddon can be described using two words: Freaking Awesome.

User Rating: 9 | Red Faction: Armageddon X360
After finding out that Redbox now lets you rent games for $2 a night, I ran down to my local wal mart to check it out. I was disappointed when I only saw Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Red Faction. My friend said I should try this one out, and I did. Let me tell you, I was glad they didn't have L.A. Noire or Black Ops.

I don't usually play games for long periods of time, but when I put this game in, it didn't come out. I played for about 2 1/2 hours straight, then my friend had to go home. The next morning I wake up and play it for 4 hours straight without realizing it. Thats all I could play it sadly enough since I had to return it, but in those 6 1/2 hours I beat 75% of the campaign. Then I realized this game was something else.

+ Crazy Addictive
+ Awesome Shooting
+ Lots of Different Guns and Upgrades
+ Beautiful Graphics
+ Sexy Explosions

- Forgettable Story
- Not Much Enemy Variety

Presentation: 8/10
Everything looks fantastic, from the menus to the character animation, though the story is forgettable.

Graphics: 9/10
I think they look awesome, the explosions are amazing, the character animation is slick. Everything looks great.

Sound: 10/10
Terrific voice acting and suitable music pretty much seals the deal.

Gameplay: 9/10
This game is scary addictive. I don't know why, but I've never been a huge shooter fan, though I've been getting more into them as of late, but I seriously couldn't put this one down. I will admit that all of the cave levels to get tiresome and repetitive.

Lasting Appeal: 9/10
Yeah, if I were actually allowed to play M rated games (lame parents, but they don't know I rented this *evil laugh*) I would definitely be playing this for a long time to come.

Should I get it?
Absolutely you should. Reviews weren't great, but this game was seriously worth every penny I rented it for. This Game is Freaking Awesome!