Just like a Clint Eastwood movie. Hopefully with the release of Red Dead Revolver, more Western theme games will spawn.

User Rating: 9.2 | Red Dead Revolver PS2
I was thrilled when I first heard of Red Dead Revolver over 2 years ago. I was sad when I heard Capcom canceled it, but excited when I read that Rockstar games brought it back to life. Rockstar puts out a good product in this game. It's one of the only western games I know of. I love westerns and since I'm a cowboy I was 100 times more excited for this game to come out. This game is like a Clint Eastwood movie. It's very entertaining. The story is decent but it could have used a little brushing up. Like many games now adays it's too short, over too quick. Many games suffer from this. Another complaint is the historic accuracy. Not that I expect it to me perfect, but I think they could have researched things like the characters a little more. Some of their voices aren't that good. It would have been nice to have some sort of a free roam or open end aspect. But these minor complaints don't take away from the gameplay. The gameplay is pretty solid. It's fun to try and do good in the levels to unlock new stuff like new characters in the 2 player mode. The 2 player is fantastic. Me and my brother played the 2 player mode for hours. The graphics are good for the most part, with a few exceptions with characters and such. The sound is the best part of the game. I wish they had came out with a soundtrack on CD. Although the voices of some characters aren't that good. My hope is that this game will serve as a model for more Western games to come out. There needs to be more of them.