It Was Good But Not Great.

User Rating: 7.5 | Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare X360
Undead Nightmare is a well how to put it. Its a mixed bag a little good litte bad but overall the experence out shines the negative. The story to me was a little dull out of nowhere a zombie outbreak just happens and you just have to deal with it. With that in mind from the simple story a lot of moments are to be had the zombies them self are not hard, or challengeing to take on youll find you self poping heads shoots all day. Thing get a little bit me intense when you have a pack of them run after you. There are three types of special zombies a charger (he'll knock you off you feet and then some), the glowing one (then spit the burn acid like crap) and the crawlers (fast and they run on all fours). throwing them in the mix i found it to add a little spice to the dull gameplay. Where the game really shines is the undead onslaght you and up to four of your friend fight endless waves of the undead. Its like hord mode from Gears of Wars but with cowboys and zombies as simple as it is i found myself loveing this part of the game and thats really the only thing i loved. But all in all if you like killing Zombies and rideing undead anmials then this is the game for you if now well go do something with your life.