This game is fun for casual Ratchet game players but, I don't know about veteran players.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
I know a lot of people are disappoint about this game being without Clank in the action but, this isn't a bad game. It has good graphics lots of different weapons and upgrades you can buy with bolts. The ability to change your Armour in game and you also have robots fighting for you in this game. They can also get upgraded with more Armour etc. As you use a weapon it will level up and do more damage and your total ammo for the gun will increase. You can also buy mods to make your guns stronger.

As you play the story you will notice that they try to make Ratchet look like a villain and most of the videos are not really worth watching because shooting lots of enemies is more entertaining. I liked how this game had so many difficulty levels so practically anyone can play this game even casual gamers. There are a nice amount of planets in which you do missions on to unlock the next one and you can also go up rank to unlock new Armour and a new title for Ratchet.