Really fun!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
Well i have to say this is one of the best game i played so far. I have played all the rachet games and this one is pretty good. This game really havent change much from the past games but its really fun. Well this game has 10 weapons and u think thats its not that much compare to other ratchet games but the mods change that. You can upgrade ur health and your weapons. One of the best part i have to say is that theirs more vehicles,B/c ratchet 3 theirs was only 2 and this one has four. Well in this game grind boots are back and i love to go on those rail in the secound game. Some other best fearture is co-op.... how fun is that you get to play with a friend in single player. Well some bad parts is you dont get to used clank hes not complete gone but you still wont get used him. Another bad thing is that The game is to short. I would have thought that they would improve it have more time and make it more harder. But still its really fun and you should get the game b/c its worth buying it.