If you like the battle arenas in the other R&C games, you'll LOVE this one!

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
I'm a big R&C fan. Somehow, this game got passed me until recently. I picked it up and haven't put it down for days. I'm completely addicted to the nonstop mayhem, explosions, and weapon upgrades. This may be my favorite R&C to date. I haven't played the multiplayer version at all, only the single player. It's a blast. If you want to blow things up with ridiculous weapons, then grab this game. I just bought it used for $15. Worth EVERY cent. I've played through all levels and there are none that are annoying. Each level can be played over and over again with different weapon selections and mods to make it a different experience. The skill points are what really pull me in. I've beat the game, but trying to get all the skill points and weapon upgrades is the fun part. This is a must have game.