This game will suck you in.

User Rating: 10 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
Graphics: The graphics are very crisp and excellent. Everything is very detailed and everything is just wonderful to look at. It's what you expect from a Ratchet game: wild and totally off the hook. Explosions are done excellently and because you're always at the heat of battle, you'll be seeing lots of them. Not to mention a lot of body parts, ammunition and missiles flying everywhere. Although the framerate might get quite slow and erratic when you're in a very heated battle, everything is still a blast to look at and it doesn't stop to impress.

Gameplay: Like the graphics, gameplay is just wild and off the hook. There is never a dull moment at this game because you'll always find yourself bombarded with a lot of enemies and that is surprisingly not a bad thing. The camera is spot-on and the controls are very sharp giving you very good gameplay. There are also challenges which will test your skill and wit. There's also a skill point feature wherein you must meet a requirement for you to get it. These skill points can give you additional bolts (the currency in the game) or most importantly, unlock cheats.

This game gives you 11 weapons which are very unique and different from each other. These weapons can also be leveled-up so using the same weapon again and again has its perks. Then again, all the weapons are very fun to use so you won't get tired of using them repeatedly. It also gives out 3 vehicles for you to use but some of them are only available in certain levels. Again, they are very different from each other and are a blast to drive.

The difficulty of this game is superb. There are 5 difficulty levels to choose from starting from "Couch Potato" which is basically a novice level and "Exterminator" where it pits you with the toughest enemies. Also, the further you progress, the harder the stages get and the tougher your opponents are so there is definitely no repetitive moment.

Sound: Jaw–dropping sound effects makes this game a thrill to play. Set your TV's volume to the highest and put it on surround sound and you'll be in for a joyride. It's just magnificent and definitely out of this world. Voice-acting is done very well too and the commentators are hilarious and never get old. Techno/trance music fills the background and fits the theme very well.

Replay: Once you've finished your first campaign, you can replay the whole campaign to unlock more cheats, more upgrades and more weapons. It just sucks you in and barely gets old because of all the marvelous visuals and sharp gameplay.

Overall: An excellent game that will pull you in immediately because of its adrenaline-filled gameplay. It's just awesome.