Very repetitive and linear

User Rating: 4 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2


- the writing is funny

- the assist bots were fun to use

- weapon effects are an interesting addition


- the game is too linear, and the missions too repetitive.

- the hub world is very barebones. It does little more than go back to a list of missions and selecting the next one

- the objectives in the missions consists of just killing waves and waves or robots, or cranking some screw. Gets very dull fast

- not having clank sucks

- not having interesting sections of platforming takes a lot out what the series should be

- the maps are generally point A to point B, rarely are there any forks or meaningful areas to explore.

- not much meaningful character interactions

- the vehicle missions got bland very fast as well. Just drive and shoot instead of run and shoot. Nothing special.

- no subtitles

- weapon wheel got nerfed. They lessened the amount of weapons you could have on one wheel. And there wasn't a way to customize the wheel.

- weapon wheel should've been full screen. They shouldn't have allowed the weapon wheel to be cycled by both sticks, cause sometimes when I'm in a fight and switching weapons on the fly, I may have my sticks in different directions which messes up my weapon selection. The wheel should've also been full screen. It shouldn't have made it a square cause the ps3 joystick is a full circle, making the selection less intuitive than a circle wheel.

- annoying not be able to use melee weapons facing forwards while moving back, because they changed the strafing system

- they removed the vr weapon testing. And the weapon descriptions were subpar. It wasn't clear what weapon effects would do exactly. It caused me to spend a lot of money on effects that I didn't want, such as the one that turned enemies into farm animals. If they didn't allow for testing then at least have a refund function.