The first of the series, an instant classic!

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
I bought this game 'cause it was well rated. I mean, I'm not in 3D platformer games.

I was surprised about this one. Well, maybe because there is so much weapons, that it feels more like a shooter. All guns and special gadgets are different from each other and can be all useful. You can buy most of them at the weapon shop if you have enough money. In the beginning, you should have saved enough to buy the first one. Then, you'll have to make some decisions, which weapon do you need most.

There is a lot of stuff for this kind of games. A lot to discover, to unlock, so much, that you'll want to play it again, even after you've been through one time. To make it worth it, the developers have put some extra to play it a second time.

But doing the game only once will still a charm. The environments are so beautiful and varied.

The jumping (the thing I hate most about 3D platformers) over big holes is not too harsh. In fact, there is so much different way of moving (swimming and sliding are just a few examples), that swinging over big gap is almost a pleasure.

The story is well built, but without anything really surprising. The jokes are ok, well oriented for all the family.