This game BLOWS! Zeldas Twilight Princess mini game was more realistic and 1000 times more fun than this piece of crap!

User Rating: 1 | Rapala Tournament Fishing! WII
This has to be by far the worst implementation of the Wii controller to date, and to add insult to injury, this has to be one of the worst games I have ever played.

You cant use the wiimote to control your rod, you have to hit A to reel in your fish, and forget any sort of fun reeling in your fish which usually lasts until the next ice age, about all you can do with the wiimote is steer your boat, which is completely worthless. Imagine trying to play Gran Turismo with an Atari 2600 controller. They utilized absolutely nothing the wiimote offers and what interfaces that are there feel like they are just tacked on.

The graphical textures themselves were ok but the way the graphics were applied were absolutely retarded. I can cut some slack because the Wii isnt as powerful as the 360 or PS3, however that is absolutely no excuse for the poor way they put the graphics together. Audio. What audio? Its like listening to dried paint dry even further. I could have done better with a 1800's phonograph and made all the sound effects with my mouth, like the guy from the Police Academy. At least he was entertaining. Gameplay: What gameplay? This game is as much of a practical joke on players as fishing is to the fish. Here fish fish fish, I've got a nice yummy worm for you, heh heh heh. I wanted to pull my hair out after less than 15 minutes of even trying to give this game a chance.

Overall: Were these guys even trying? The programmers must have been out to create a game as quickly as possible with the intention of watching it fail and using it as a tax write off. There was no effort to make this game rewarding or compelling at all. The Zelda Twilight Princess with the wiimote was absolutely addictive and pure common sense. Oooh the bobber goes down, jerk back on your line to hook the fish. Now even if I did not have Zelda to compare this to, I'd have to compare it to something, such as real life fishing. If fishing in real life were to suck as bad as this game it would be an absolute wonder that fishermen didnt take out cases and cases of beer with them while they go fishing. Oh wait... The idea of bringing in the challenge of fishing in real life with all of its complexities and different lures, lines, fish finders etc is not a bad idea and hopefully someday, some company will do it right, but Rapala succeeds only in capturing the feeling of looking at a black and white photograph of a broken down Ford Escort as compared to driving a Lamborghini Diablo in real life. Well not that fishing in real life is all that much fun anyway, hence all the beer. Considering all of the categories, this is probably the only game I have ever played that has absolutely deserved a 1 out of 10 in every single category.

Maybe the programmers should have recommended this be an AO game because for it to be fun would require a minimum of a 12 pack of beer before even reading the instructions, but this game is so bad I dont even think illegal drugs would have helped this game. Its a shame, it had potential. The source code for this game deserves to be at the bottom of the lake, along with any interest I might have held in it. I want the 20 minutes of my life back that I spent even remotely thinking this piece of trash may be worth my time. AVOID THIS GAME AT ALL POSSIBLE COSTS!!! AND SHOULD YOU COME ACROSS ONE, FLEE IMMEDIATELY AND CONSUME LARGE QUANTITIES OF BEER!!!