One of the worst games I have ever played.

User Rating: 2.3 | Rapala Tournament Fishing! WII
Good: ...

Bad: Graphics are appalling ever for the Wii; game play is extremely boring and slow; very little explanation for a complex system; the overall quality of the game is complete trash.

Rapala Tournament Fishing is a special game. Its a modern marvel to how a developing company can shovel out such complete **** and throw it on the stands at Gamestop. Its just really a complete put down to the gaming community, if they think gamers play these kind of games, they have another thing coming to them. Rapala is just really a complete joke. Its not even really a game, all you do is watch a pond while you wait for something to bite. When it doesn't bite, you try to change your bait. This process may take awhile since they don't even tell you how to play. Just spam every button on your remote until something pops up and your good. The only way you can catch a fish is if you know the exact bait to use for the certain time, for the certain fish, for the certain area. So you'll have to do some Wikipedia research to find out what type of bait the certain type of fish is. But you don't know what kind of fish, so Wikipedia search what kind of fish are in the area your on... But you'll have to know what type of area your in, so make an observation on what type of water it is, the location, figure out what type of environment and knowing the 5 day forecast for the area. Either you can do all that to catch a fish, which has no benefit, no reason, no award, or you can simply NEVER touch this game.

The graphics are... Well, let me put this down how it is. They aren't graphics. It just a bunch of dull colored pixels mushed together and they put some colors in it and expect that to pass as an excuse for graphics. And don't expect the sound to be good either. Its generic calm "nature" music that is downright pathetic. Do not purchase this pathetic excuse of a game. This is just a marketing ploy by Rapala as a pathetic attempt to raise their sales. This game is horrific. Do not even get this game if it is $5.00 in the bargain bin. I cannot stress enough how much of a joke this pathetic attempt of a game is.