Senseless violence, eating people, giant lizards and gorillas; this is freaking awesome!

User Rating: 7 | Rampage NES
Rampage for the NES is awesome, to say the absolute least. What other game do you play as a gigantic gorilla or lizard, and destroy cities? I've been playing this one for a long, long time. The best part is, it never seems to lose its charm.
You start off by picking your character. You can pick from either George, who seems to be a man who took way to much "mega-vitamin"; or Lizzie who is a woman who was changed into a giant lizard by a radioactive lake. Wow, I never realized that before. I personally like George the best, but that's just my personal preference. Once you pick your character you start the game. The start screen claims that there is "128 days of destruction". I personally have no idea if this is actually true, as I have only played through around forty-eight or so days. One day I'll have a hard-core Rampage session, but until that day, it stands as thus.
The game play is pretty basic. You control one or the other monster, and you climb buildings and punch them to make them fall. Once they all fall, you win. However (yes, there is ALWAYS a however), you must avoid the people shooting and throwing bombs at you, the helicopters that shoot you, and a multitude of other things that are bent on your annihilation. You also must be careful, as when you punch holes in buildings various things appear that can either help or hurt you. Every level is one screen, and there are at least four buildings.
The only thing I can think of to complain about this game is that it gets very monotonous, very fast. All it is is punching and destroying. There is no other objective, and there are 128 levels! Now you see why I've never beaten this game. It is so time consuming, that I just can't do it. I love this game, but damn. A couple of different variations on the game would have been better than 128 of the exact same thing…
I recommend this game to everybody, as it is very fun, and oddly satisfying. You may never beat it, and you may get bored very quickly, but it is a great game.