Definetely not reccommended. Don't waste your time on this game it's controls are frustrating and the game is repetitive

User Rating: 4 | Rampage: Total Destruction WII
Rampage: Total Destruction is another one of those "waste of time games". You go around smashing buildings pointlessly with quirky controls especially if you don't use the nunchuck. Almost all levels are the same except they have different buildings and get more challenging. The boss battles are just pathetic, absolutely pathetic... The way you have to move your controller to whack random crap around is just annoying especially when you need to do it fast for boos battles. I think the only enjoyment out of this game you'll get are some of the special moves and the co-op play is o.k... So in the end I'm basically saying you shouldn't get this game unless you're a long time Rampage fan.