Another great arcade game that should be remembered.

User Rating: 6.5 | Rally-X ARC
Like Bosconian, Rally x is an arcade game just plain old fun. Rally x was the birth of racing games and can affect how they are made today. With original graphics it still shows us the basics of trying not to collide with other cars and to pay attention to the road. As part of the main basics the object is to collect all of the yellow flags for each level while not running into other cars or rocks before you run out of fuel and try to get the highest score possible. But as I said as this is an arcade game it istending to get quite boring and cannot pause. This is also another game that comes with the Pac-man set with a couple other games with. As one of namcos greatest achievments they may of gotten us to where we are today in gaming with racing and other stratagies. I can reccommend this as a fairly good arcade game.