Non-Targeting Action MMORPG; Dodge to win; Descent Graphics; 4 Class to choose. Open-world map.

User Rating: 7.5 | RaiderZ PC
**** This review is written by an FPS player who only play non-targeting action MMORPG, e.g. Vindictus, C9, Tera, Raiderz, Rusty Hearts, etc. ****

If you like Diablo or any RPG your character attacks a marked enemy without running around much, then you may not enjoy action MMORPG.

RaiderZ fights are dodge/defend-to-win, which is a basic skill in most of modern action RPG. And it makes fighting much more fun.

The graphics looks nice. However, unless you have high-end PC, most of players will probably find the graphics just barely acceptable to play, just like Tera.

This game is very similar to Tera, yet you can dodge and defend. The developer needs to add more contents but keep in mind it's free-to-play. And it definitely doesn't take 25GB out of your hard drive space.

If you don't want to pay for an online game, this is so far the best free-to-play, open-world, non-targeting action MMORPG I've seen.

**** Sorry for my lousy English ****