Waiting for a game you want? Make the wait faster by playing Ragnarok.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ragnarok Online PC
Now that I look back, playing Ragnarok Online was worth killing time when I was bored. Not much unique about this game. It's just a typical rpg like the many out there. The gameplay plays out through 2-D 3-D and has adequate elements that make this game enjoyable to play. The leveling system is based off of a base level and a job level. A base level is your character's actual level while a job level is the level your character needs to raise in order to achieve skill points and to achieve job anvancement. One thing that I was amazed by ragnarok online was the variety of jobs to choose which really, in my opinion, expresses the individuality among the many players that play this game. For the rest of this review, I'll simply type separate parts of ragnarok (for those who know what I'm talking about).

Ragnarok Online: Low Rate servers: Low rate servers have, obviously low rates in ragnarok. Leveling is slow but fair. The item drop rate is very scarce as well. From what I've played, in low rate, level 90-100 is considered very high level and MvPs (bosses) are slightly weaker than in other servers. In other words, this is a very casual server.

Ragnaork Online: Mid Rate: (What I just typed on the first paragraph. It's basically normal ragnarok. Everything is balanced)

Ragnarok Online: High Rate: This server is what I play usaully when it comes to ragnarok. Basically, it's the opposite of Low rate servers. Leveling is extremely high, item drop rates are much more frequent, etc. High rate servers are mostly suited for people who want to get a very strong character to use to kill MvPs, WoE (War of Emperium), and PvP. One of the major flaws in high rate is that it can get very boring once a you're like level 200+. That is usually when the insterst of the game starts to fade away. Also, since there are so many high level players, Pvp and WoE tend to be highly unbalanced.

Overall, Ragnarok Online is an average rpg that has good gameplay and rpg elements but is not worth paying monthly so private servers are and option. Although I don't like this game as much as I did back then ( I was totally obsessed with it), I would at least tell every rpg gamer to give it a try.