Funny and Innovative

User Rating: 8.3 | Rag Doll Kung Fu PC
In rag doll kung fu the controls are all controlled with the mouse. You have to move each leg to walk, move your hand to block, determine the attacks direction and strength...etc. It is a bit clunky at times and awkward with a lot of little movements needing to be done to do the most basic attacks. Particularly the sticky-ness of the characters ( surprisingly rigid movements). Advanced moves are hard to pull off but easier then most comparative moves in other games.

The story is really funny and does a good job introducing you the game. They're movie clips made by the creators between each level that are funny but low budget, which really adds to the feel. I wish the quality was improved it looks hazy on my computer which is annoying at first, but eventually aides in its overall humor. The game is decently difficult but not exactly fair, (increases difficulty by starting opponents with special moves and increasing the amount of opponents rather than improving ai).

After Completing the game they're a few mini games to partake in. All simple they only are able to squeeze a few more hours of entertainment each but serve as great practice for the more advanced moves.

Multiplayer unfortunately seems plagued by a few bugs. I have had a few issues in both single computer and internet forms. There is also not a great presence of people online to play against . The game shows great potential for multiplayer gaming particularly because of the possible depth and personal control in the game.

The game itself is buggy at times. Artisically nice but other wise the graphics are slightly dated. The Sound is nice at first but only having a few tracks gets amazingly repetitive.

All in All its quite Innovative and decently fun but not a lasting experience. I would suggest trying this before buying. Because if you don't find the game funny and the interesting control scheme fun there isn't much else in the game.