it is definelty not as fun as the other two but that game still is fun

User Rating: 7 | Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Houseki SNES
Imagine you are reading a choose your own adventure book, you are crawling through a mansion looking for the frozen flame, you come across enemies and your actions that you do to the enemies will decide your fate while you also make one wrong move it will cost you your life. The game is really fun and even though it is not as fun a Chono Trigger and Chrono Cross (actually it comes nowhere near) Radical Dreamers takes place in an alternate dimension than Chrono Cross but as you play it you will see resembleces between the games. While you can find this game online for the ZNES emulator and also get a english patch go for the game cause you can get it for free. The story also touches basis with Magus (Janus) and what he did after chrono Trigger. not required to play it if is fun and should be given a chance by any Chrono Series Fan