Tons of content, an in depth single player mode and Imprssive multiplayer, is this game worth owning?

User Rating: 7.5 | Race Driver: Create & Race DS
Well, yeah. I picked it up yeserday at best buy and i'm glued to it.

The good:
-In depth single player mode
-Tons of stuff to do and alot of unlockables
-Easy to use track creator, tons of parts to mess around with.
-You can take those tracks online
-Amazing graphics
-Great multiplayer with pretty good options
-You get more for your money

The Bad:
-Draw distance limit and low camera makes it hard to see what's in front of you
-A.I. can get rough at times
-Online mode is empty of players
-Sounds could be a LITTLE better
-Damage system but damage dosen't appear on the car
Graphics: Amazing, detailed cars and tracks, good shadowing. Pushes the DS to the limit. 8/10

Presentation: Menus CAN be confusing at times, but most of the time, they're easy to navigate through and easy to use interface. 7/10

Controls: Good contol, but it's a realstic game, so it's gonna take a while to get used to driving through tough corners without wiping out. 7/10

Sound: Decent sound from cars. Music is good but not memorable.7/10

Gameplay: Top notch game. Fun racing game with tons of cars to play around with. You unlock more parts to buy in the rewards shop and you progess through story mode. Racing is fast, with a great Frame rate of 60fps and most importent of all, it's fun as hell. Very addictive. The Track creator is simple, easy to use and tons of parts to work with. It could of used a couple more cars, but it's still good. 9/10

Multiplayer: I haven't tried Download or Multi card play, but I have tried online play, and it's fantastic, lag free and still fast and fun. Although, there's hardly anyone online so either you're gonna have to wait like 10 minutes or set up a Friend code match. Overall, great online play. 7/10

Replay Value: ALOT to do..I won't even bother talking about it...9/10

Overall, I can see codemasters put ALOT of work into this game and it ended up being a fun, in-depth racer that all DS owners can enjoy. I HIGHLY reccomend DS owners buy this game. It's fast, fun, tons of replay value, great multiplayer options and just plain fun to pop in and play.

Tons of content, An in-dept single player mode and impressive multiplayer, Is this game worth owning? Defentaly, perfect for ANY ds owner's collection.

Overall Score: 9.0/10. Great.

Award for Best DS Racing game in 2007