Haven't had this much Bond fun since N64 Goldeneye. Better than the movie but just as confusing. Well worth $10 on ebay.

User Rating: 8.5 | 007: Quantum of Solace X360
I don't spend $60 on video games anymore. Who has that kind of money to blow? So I wait a year and by then theyr'e usually $10-$15. I bought QoS for $10 on ebay recently and when I played it I was pleasantly suprised. This game has great graphics, engrossing gameplay and suprising it is way better than the movie - although there is no doubt it is just as confusing since it pretty much follows the movie plot. But forget the script (its all about following these random people who are working towards making everyone buy their water), the gameplay is where its at.

The game features a good cover system, could be slightly better - I like the Rainbow 6 Vegas style, but it is almost as good. The enemies are not extremely easy to kill yet at the same time they aren't so difficult that it wants to make you puke becuase you feel like the game is just busy work (ie Army of Two - don't buy it even used). The controls are well done, the variety of weapons and quickness of getting more ammo is great, although sometimes you might have to switch weapons becuase the enemy isn't using your gun anymore - which is just fine. I played it on the default difficulty setting and honestly I could see myself playing a few of the levels over again at higher difficulty. This game has a great diversity of level play that shines compared to a lot of games - I liked the levels better than COD4!

I'm not rating this an 8.5 because of the movie plot, if I was to count the script against the game, I'd probably give it a 6. The only improvements would be I would have liked some play where I could control some vehicles - I haven't yet beat the game but I think I'm pretty far along and none of that has happened yet.

Hopefully the next Bond movie is better and Treyarch gets the Bond gig again! Only problem is I'll have to wait a year to play the game but hey I'm in no rush... the pipeline keeps filling up with bargain used games I have enough to keep me busy until then. :)