A true classic that will live on forever.

User Rating: 5 | Quake PC
First, which was your favorite level? The Brown Castle, The Greenish-brown Castle or Revenge of the Brown Castle? I liked the brown castle.

There is no storyline in Quake 1, therefore no characters that you need to rescue. If you really want a storyline for this game then you get one: Here is a bunch of people that hate you for some reason please shoot them. This would of been a mind blowing storyline back in the early 1990s but now it's like... crap (but a classic nonetheless). But ID had a brilliant design feature so that you can die before you've even started the game; take this as a complement ID... kind of. But getting to pick your difficulty by walking through a gateway, why hasn't anyone else done this? I know why! You can die when you want to go on through the "Hard" difficulty setting -but that's only when you can't see the invisible walkway.
There's not really much to say about this game. ID have released the source code for this game for free if you want to know how they made the game but I was after a storyline when I bought this game and so far... it's just not there.

To sum it all up:
Quake is a true classic that can -with a few adjustments to its source code- be re-released so that this gem can shine again.

Reason for the rating:
+1.0 Because that's the lowest score that there is in Gamespot.
+1.0 Because without Quake heaps of games wouldn't of been possible.
+1.0 Because of the level design.
+2.0 Because of the end boss fight.