
User Rating: 5 | Quake 4 PC
this is the equivalent of e=mc2,lol!
quake is alive & kicking the bucket...well,not quite.it's 5 years since the long awaited sequel in the legendary quake series has been released...lol!i'm plagiating my own reviews.see my doom3 review & you'l know why.in fact,i'm doing the right thing because q4=d3=h-l1 & 2.remember this equation.id software ran out of ideas.maybe they should retire or give the franchises to another company.
q4 starts where quake 2 left us.at the end of quake2,our hero killed makron,a strogg leader & escaped with a pod.here in q4,the war against the strogg continues.end of story.
the graphics are great,the music is normal,it's not something memorable at all!just to maintain the atmosphere...somehow!
the game is full of weapons.i'm so glad that the mithycal nailgun has returned!it's 8 years since we last saw it.here in q4 it's as great as in q1.they didn't messed it up.you that some old feeling of power & rampage...while the railgun is not so great as the previous ones.*sigh*why does a good thing always comes with a bad thing?why god,why?why the balance is always present?in comparison with the one from doom3,q4's shotgun is great!it's real pleasure for me to fire again with my all-time fav. weapon.i'm so modest & harmless.i don't prefer mass-destruction wepons,i like just a little toy.the bfg was replaced with the dark matter gun,a combination between the bfg 9000k & the gravity gun!lol!it sounds awesome but it's a dissapointment.this weapon must be avoided at all costs.it'll drag you down,thrust me!
during the game,you will be caught by the strogg & the process to transform you into one of them begins.but luckily,you are saved in the nick of time by your buddies,your squad members.in this conditions,the strogg managed to mutate you 40% into strogg.1 hour delay & bye bye.you would have becomed a strogg & be killed by the humans.beeing 40% strogg,you have the capacity to moe faster,to be stronger & to have 25% more health.during the game,the a.i. of the team members will upgrade some of your weapons,incresing the ammo capacity,adding a sniper & so on.
this game has 30 missions so it's quite a long journey through the strogg defences & trenches & to activate laser beams & killing stroggs & stuff.
i don't know how it's the multiplayer because i'm not so interested in dm fights.for me.in all the games that i play,the multiplayer is a bonus,nothing more so i don't judge a game by it's multiplayer,only by the single...
at the end of the game(which is one of the easiest ever,seriously!)in the cinematic,you will go on to the next slaughter.the war it's not over.you,cain will head on for the next campaign so quake 5 it's on the horizon.man!i really don't know if a nowadays franchise will trully end.this goes on & on forever:( when will they learn when to stop?
if you liked doom3,then definitelly will also like it's clone,q4!