Do not let the budget price tempt you; Quad Desert Fury is just about awful in every way.

User Rating: 1.5 | Quad Desert Fury GBA
Budget games are usually considered to be bad games by the general public, because they associate the price tag with the overall quality. This is rather unfortunate because sometimes budget games can prove to be loads of fun but then games like Quad Desert Fury come out with loads of problems and just ruin the image for budget games as a whole by combining every element in a game you would never want.

Quad Desert Fury is a standard racer where you race to the finish line before you opponents. It's a pretty easy concept, but apparently not for the developers that made this game. The controls are just horrible. Turning in the game feels clunky and is a pretty hard thing to do. The AI enemy racers are stupid, and that's being generous. If you fall horribly behind, it won't matter, because it almost feels like the opponents are for you to catch up, and it doesn't help that they are much slower than you are.

This would still be a horrible game even if did have many features, but at least those features would have been there, and that's a lot better than what Quad Desert Fury has to offer. The game has 7 courses, but they all are basically the same thing with some slight tweaks. The game has no multiplayer, and that's even pretty standard for other bad racers on the Game Boy Advance.

Never before have blocky textures and gigantic frame rate drops combined together so horribly. The Game Boy Advance is very capable of some impressive graphics, but one look at this game would make you think otherwise. The frame rate is rarely steady for even a few seconds, and when it drops, it's one huge fall that almost renders the game unplayable.

Sure, not every game needs to feature the best sound effects or the best music, but really with what little of both this game has it really couldn't have been that hard to make them somewhat decent, right? The Quad bikes sound like cats being ran over many times without death and that's just about the only sound effect in the game. Probably the best option in the game is to turn the music off. Otherwise you have to listen to one horrible tune that seems to repeat every 10 seconds.

Any game on a store shelf with a 10 dollar price tag can be tempting, but if the title happens to Quad Desert Fury, please spend that money on something that actually feels like some form of effort was put into it. Not only is the presentation bad, but almost everything else is too.