Puzzle Pirates is a wonderful puzzling game that anyone looking for a good relaxing social game should checkout.

User Rating: 8.5 | Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates PC
Puzzle Pirates is one of those games that most people play after work/school for an hour or two of relaxation and fun. It offers many fun puzzles and even poker for those looking to gamble away a bit of the money they make in game. The game is also very social with hundreds of players online on each ocean and many pirate crew, flag and island politics. A player can take on the role of a lowly pirate working for his crew or start his own crew and lead his own crew to victory! Through your time playing you'll meet many heartys along the way and I'm sure you'll love this game if you give it a chance.

The games major problem however is the amount of players using bots to do puzzles for them, thus leading to an unbalance of power between the normal and bot players. An example of one of these sites offering bots is: www.e-zhax.com which for the most part has many free bots.