Meh...more or less...

User Rating: 6.5 | Pursuit Force PSP
Pursuit Force is a car chasing game (something yo probably already know). I have to admit I was pretty exited in the beggining: the graphics were well done, the sound and animation were also good, it had good gameplay, it seemed like a solid game with a good theme. But then after some 30 minutes of playing I got tired of it, I mean, sure there is different action and all, but it just gets boring: you are always doing the same things over and over again, its basically "drive, jump, shoot, enter","drive, jump, shoot, enter","drive, jump, shoot, enter" until your objectives are complete. there are some different missions like escorting people, etc. but when your not doing the "drive, jump, shoot, enter" thing, you're just driving and shooting. There is also boat chasing missions, I thought it would be diiferent, but is the same "drive, jump, shoot, enter", and there is a helicopter mission, but you're not even driving, just shooting. It's VERY repetitive. Anyways, If you don't mind repeating the same thing over and over, and you like cars and action, you might want to check pursuit force out.