Pursuit Force is an very fast paced action packed joyride that reminds gamers of the reason we play to start-- fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Pursuit Force PSP
At first glance Pursuit Force takes all reality and tosses it out the window. The game has a total arcade feel and keeps that pace throughout the whole game. Most of course are shooting missions and there are some in which driving makes its mark of highlight. The balance is mixed very well and the controls are surprisingly fluid when such anarchy are taking place all over the screen. At times the game has a small feel of repetition but that can serve as a plus as it keeps the formula working. The Chief of Police though can be a very hated nuisance with his love when you do right hate when you do wrong demeanor. I never depicted him as funny especially with his "Don't die or you're fired!" plea.
Overall Pursuit Force delivers and it has a very nice price tag on it now as it has been out for awhile and to some is a sleeper. However, with the PSP getting stronger and the fanbase growing this game is a must have in anyone's collection. I can't wait to try out PF2: Extreme Justice!