There is no such thing as too much of a good thing

User Rating: 9.6 | Pure Evil 2-Pack GC
The Pure Evil 2-Pack is a bundle sale of 2 great games, Resident Evil Remake, & Resident Evil 0, & it combines a lot of great, with a lot of great. The gameplay in both games are about the same, but in RE0 you can switch between the two characters you play as, otherwise, it's still very simple. The graphics in both games are absolutely unbelievable, not even games in the Next Gen, are a match for them, these graphics look so real, & look as though you could touch it through the screen. The audio is also very good, there is like a sound for every kind of floor you walk on, the zombies sound like there are actually coming at you, & the guns sound SO real. Since this is a two pack, there is double Replay Value, going back & forth to match the stories to see how everything came to pruition. I had a lot of fun playing these games, & I still am, buy it! This only cost $30! It's telling you "Buy Me" "Buy Me" "Buy Me"!