It's like the Spider-Man game I've never played. Even though Alex Mercer could totally kick his @$$!!!

User Rating: 9 | Prototype X360
I got [PROTOTYPE] the day after it came out. I played it for three whole hours until my mom thought this game was too gory for my age. But those three hours were very well spent glued to my screen. The story is about Alex Mercer, a man who wakes up in a lab in New York City (how original). While escaping the military, he discovers he has an assortment of powers at his disposal. He is a mutant in other words. He's like all the X-Men in one. As I said before, my mom thought it was too gory for me. No doubt about it, this is a gory game. I bet there is at least one person who loves games where you can jump from building to building in a free-roaming environment while having awesome super powers, BUT he/she has a fear of blood. That's one disadvantage of the game, this game is not suitable for most ages. One thing I love about this game is how super freaky it is. These enemies called, Hunters, are super freaky it would make me piss my pants if I actually saw one in real life. The whole city is getting infected with a virus turning people into zombies and the whole city is just in terror which is fun for the mentally disturbed. So even though I played it for only three hours, it is very possible to write a review. The whole fact that I can't own this game anymore is not such a major disadvantage. When I turn sixteen, [PROTOTYPE 2] will be released! Awesome!

8/5/09: I'm back to say that the developers said that they would make a [PROTOTYPE] series which is even better than a sequel. Yet again, I read that on Wikipedia so it might not be true.