Large quantity of language, blood, and gore. It's like a British superhero movie was made without accents!

User Rating: 8.5 | Prototype PS3
This game is so visceral, that you can literally paint the streets a pretty crimson color. Though the blood disappears quickly, but there is blood every time you beat on something. Gore is spread easily and to top it off, gameplay is fun and the storyline sucks you in. If you like superhero games, this is a must have.

Presentation: It feels like a post-apocalyptic, anti-hero, infection story. In a good way.

Graphics: It could have used some polish but it's still good looking.

Gameplay: It's fun and violent but the difficulty spike is painful. Sometimes you just want the game to end, and it feels like you need to fully upgrade Alex in order to beat the game.

Sound: The voice acting is great and it sounds awesome when you slice up some civilians.

Lasting Appeal: Once you beat the game, you're done. And the game is really long.