Prototype 2 is a huge improvement over the last game in every way.

User Rating: 8 | Prototype 2 PC
The Good: Entertaining and cohesive story, fun and focused combat, deeper leveling system, looks good

The Bad: Missions are repetitive, too easy in spots

Prototype 2 is a huge improvement over the first game in every way possible. The first game was clumsy, lifeless, and just got boring after a few hours. Prototype 2 is streamlined and even changed the gameplay style to that of a hunter instead of a destroyer. The game is so much fun that I hope people who didn't like the last game will come back, like I did, and enjoy this game. You play as James Heller who gets turned into an Evolved by Alex Mercer. His goal is to shut down Blackwatch and Gentek who are trying to test a biological weapon on the populace. Alex Mercer is now your enemy and you must revenge the death of your wife and daughter.

The story is actually one of the first things that you notice is improved. The first game had a disjointed irritating way of telling the story; it was random and mashed around. The delivery is still the same in which you get tid-bits here and there by consuming key people in the game, but it all makes sense and is actually quite engaging and entertaining. I always wanted to know what happened next, but even side quests have story tid-bits that you will want to hear. The game is open for a third sequel which I hope comes along. Heller is much more likable character than Mercer and is a little more relatable. Alex is a jerk and is selfish, so he plays a better enemy this time around.

The combat is another major improvement because it focuses more one-on-one combat then killing dozens of enemies everywhere. There's a better lock-on system that allows you to track certain enemies and the auto-target it pretty smart. This game has huge enemies that you fight instead of just the smaller infected and military all the time. Brawlers, Goliaths, and Hydras are just a few that you will fight. Since you are a hunter this time around you get hunting sense which allows you to track certain people on missions. A gold ring who go out and you must follow in the direction it pings back. I found this really fun and the stealth is fun as well, but the AI is pretty stupid. You can stealth consume an enemy right in front of someone, but as long as he pings white you can consume him. Consuming also gives you health and Mass in combat.

You can perform two huge devastating attacks called Devastator and Brawler Pack. Devastator is a huge shockwave that will kill almost every enemy in its range, and brawler pack allows you to call brawlers to your side to fight. Of course you can hijack vehicles like tanks and helicopters which is really fun, but you can also tear off their weapons and use them. I just found the more focused combat to be more fun and easier than the crap-tier combat from the first game. Even the weapons you get to use are more fun like the blade, claws, whip, and hammerfist. You will use each one because they are actually fun to use and each have a purpose. There's even a nicely placed dodge button that pops up to avoid attacks which I really liked. The combat is just so streamlined and focused that it feels great even compared to other games.

There's plenty of collectibles and side missions to do which are all fun. These give you perks when completed so the leveling system is much deeper than the last game. Destroying lairs, finding blackboxes, and destroying other defenses can actually be fun because even something as simple as gliding around the city is fun thanks to the improved controls and excellent animations. My only issue is that the game is repetitive because it's the same kind of missions over and over again. Kill these enemies, stealth consume this guy, collect these items etc. Each mission just mixes them up a lot which is fine. By the end of the game you will feel satisfied thanks to the well told story and fun combat.

Overall, Prototype 2 is a huge improvement over the first game. The graphics look great, there' plenty to do, and the story is entertaining and cohesive. I just wish the missions weren't so repetitive. I also found the game too easy in spots, and then too hard in others. Other than that this is a solid game and well worth a purchase.