The game tries to offer a twist on shooters, but ended up with a pretentious game reccomened only for shooter fans.

User Rating: 6.5 | Protothea WII
Protothea is basic shooter with a twist. You go from all directions. This could of made this work but instead they didn't. They made enemies go from all directions. It is sort of something like Asteroids if you think about it.

Another twist is that there are ground enemies to bomb. Yoou have to be close enough to them and you can only bomb them This adds some strategy to the game. You can't constantly drop bombs because there are ground wall that can block your way. You can also switch weapons, although that doesn't change much since you'll always use the most advanced laser you have, because other aren't as long range, making you ram enemies instead.

The problem with the soundtrack is that it is just a ten second clip that repeats over and over again. The graphics are also bland and basic. They don't offer much.

The problem with the idea of encompassing enemies is that there are just so many. By the time you shoot one, you will accidently ram a bunch. It can be worse in boss fights. They take up so much of the screen, you can barely move. And if you don't, you will die soon after.

Overall, Protothea is average game. Though there are some twists, they are not well done. They can actually ruin the game at times. At times, you will lose for the wromg reasons. I don't think I can reccomend it to anyone exept hard-core shooter fans.