Being a bio-augmented super soldier of the future is fun.

User Rating: 8.6 | Project: Snowblind XBOX
Project: Snowblind is a solid fast-paced first person shooter with bright color palette and a sci-fi feel in it. Just plain fun all the way through.

In Project: Snowblind you play as 2nd lieutenant Nathan Frost somewhere in the mid 21st century, who is fighting against an evil coalition army and is injured critically. Frost is then enhanced to be a bio-augmented super soldier with many different special powers including impenetrable shield, night vision and enhanced reflexes. Story is not all that important in itself, but your character’s bio-augmented powers are fun to use giving the action a dose of strategy.

Graphics are futuristic and very colorful, which is not common among first person shooters these days. Environments and character models are not very detailed, but the use of colors helps a lot. Sound is solid, but the music is sometimes a little weird still fitting the action when you first get use to it.

Combining the use of your bio-augmented powers with a wide array of guns is fun and interesting. Every weapon has an alternative fire mode, which brings more variety into the core shooting action. Controls work fine just as they should in a quality first person shooter. Save system uses separate save stations like in Metroid Prime, but the game itself is very linear and if you are not paying attention you can quite easily miss your save station in the heat of combat.

Best thing about Project: Snowblind is its futuristic setting, interesting protagonist and a solid shooting action combined with colorful graphics. Your experience is rather short, but just plain fun from beginning to end.