Top 5 GOTY 2014

This is a list of the top 5 games I played this year. Time for something completely different.

Rank Game Release Date GameSpot Score Zanelli's Score

Star Trek Online

This is for Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, but this flew so far under the radar, it doesn't even have it's own page here on Gamespot. Much like Warlords of Draenor, this expansion brought a new level cap, new gear, a new story line, and new end game content. This really pulled me back into what is probably the best sci-fi mmo out there.


Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Yep, this one flew under the radar. It didn't get any official awards; it didn't even get a official review here at Gamespot. It's still my GOTY. Awesome multiplayer RTS action, with some of the best micro, and some of the best destruction ever to be put into a game like this. There's nothing quite like driving a tank into a church and watching as the sniper team inside is squished by the falling wreckage.

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Yep blizzards casual card game has been eating up what little spare time I have had between games and work. It really took the MTG formula and tweaked it to make it a lot easier for new players to get into. Pure, simple, fun.



Finally the game some of us have been waiting years to finally come out. A modern throw back to when in mmo's, players feared other players. This isn't a world you visit, this is a world you live and die in.

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Planetary Annihilation

If you didn't already know, I love RTS. This is the spiritual sequel to some of the best RTSs ever, and many years ago, GOTY right here at Gamespot. It's got problems, lots of them, but I love it for what it does. Not many games can come close to it's scale, and even less show as much promise for what it'll become as it matures.
