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#1  Edited By wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

I recently got a new tv and noticed the audio was missing in a couple games. I finally figured out I had to go through settings to sync it up with the new tv...the thing is audio was still missing in Uncharted 2.

Wasn't until I went into the games personal sound setting and changed it from default to speakers did it fix. Now I put it back on default and it still works so I left it there.

Question is...do some games keep a memory of the tv's audio in the save file? On ps3 anyway. This is the only thing I can figure that makes sense. It weird. Had no audio problems with 360 or Wiiu.

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#2  Edited By wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

@jcrame10: Ya they were on Wii. That's what I wanted to know about...how the HD remasters compare to the already HD quality 360 versions. I've read a few say they should have just ported the 360s instead of retouching the PS2 versions.

Every review I've read and watched says the Trilogy updates look great. That the only drawback is the missing dlc from 360. Which is only the 2 extra stages in Underworld and alternate costumes.

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#3 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

Wasn't sure where to ask this but what's considered the better versions? Have always wanted to play these and have both systems but Trilogy is like $20 on amazon right now, new. Seems like a great deal to me.

I know about the exclusive dlc thing but I've never really cared about dlc anyway. Are those extra levels now free somehow or you still need to actually buy them from LIVE?

I'm asking more specifically about the graphics. I know the Trilogy versions of Anni and Legend are upgraded PS2 ports. Are the 360 versions noticeably better than these upgrades?

I kind of doubt there's a significant difference. I'm thinking Trilogy would be just as good overall.

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#4 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

^ Oh really? Thats funny.

The card is ok. It was on carpet but it was still in the case, opened. I was wondering cause the game cards are really thin.

@ SoNin360, ya I was thinking this was a bizarre topic when I made it. Just one of those things ya know...lol

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#5  Edited By wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

I was going through my games and opened up Sonic Rush. I put it on the floor next to me while I kept going and our dog walked over it.

Its a shi tzu and weighs like 14 pounds but obviously stepping on it would take less.

I put it in and played 1 stage as a test and worked fine. Just wondering if it could be damaged. Like corrupt some part of the game I don't know. Thanks.

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#6  Edited By wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

@KBFloYd: I had read the game saves after the coin game. Anyway I didnt turn it off I immediately went looking for them after they popped out.

I played it again today and unlocked 2 more but those showed up fine. Actually there was one item I didnt recognize and some jukebox buttons I didnt remember...could they have opened without me touching them? I assume its a glitch either way.

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#7 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

Last night I played the coin game thing and unlocked 5 ? prize blocks but when I went walking around looking for them I only got 3.

Is this a glitch or are some prizes not apparent? Like are some prizes different than plaza decor that I don't know about? Thanks in advance. Barely got my Wii U this month.

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#8 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

Well I dont know the tech-specs but it was Next Gen by that time, it was disc based and I know no nobody uses the term "bits" anymore but DC was 128 bit (right?) and obviously N64...64.

I remember the rumor or whatever it was of Mario 128 so I assume that era was 128 bit or along there.

N64 destroyed PS? Well PS used pixels and was considered 32 bit so technically N64 was better but I think they were both equally successful. Some argue the N64 graphics just looked muddy or blurry, despite being smoother. I definitely see that point in some games.

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#9 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

^ Ya that all makes sense. I personally dont mind the simple gameplay. I love platformers as long as theyre fun. My biggest complaint was just the lack of levels.

I always hear about all the great levels but its really pretty short. Theres the forest, toyland, river/cave, library and fortress or whatever. So much more variety they could have done. I know theyre broken in segments but theyre more like quick rooms.

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#10 wildcat2000
Member since 2006 • 4498 Posts

During the days of the snes/genesis a few wonderful Disney games were released. Some were better than others but unfortunately people associate age with being a classic.COI is a fine game but I prefer Quackshot.Solaryellow
Yes Quackshot was great. I have that too and loved it.It wasn't really unique in anyway either but it was so well put together. Id love seeing a remake of Quackshot...or better yet an HD sequel.

@Jag85, I get the Seinfeld Syndrome thing and the stuff described but even for the time it wasn't that special imo. I mean I know people grew up with it and Mickey Mouse is a popular character but from a technical standpoint there are better platformers from that era.