Games of the Month 2015

Here is a list of the games that were awarded Game of the Month during 2015.

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Gamespot's Score

Dying Light

Dying Light's fun factor is off the charts, coming to a head when day turns to night, and the threat keeps you racing through the streets as well as above them. This is when tensions rise, your heart thumps loudly, and you alternately hide and sprint, knowing that peril is always only a few steps away.


Mortal Kombat X

You cringe at the sight and sound of flesh tearing and bones breaking, but you can't help but laugh when the act is punctuated with a timely quip. Mortal Kombat X is big, bad, and ugly, for all the right reasons.


Her Story

You play Her Story even after you have closed the window, making it its own kind of portable game, the kind that you stow away into your brain, poking and prodding it even when the software isn't open and in front of you.


Until Dawn (2015)

Until Dawn almost has no right being as good as it is; it surprised us, delighted us, and in the end we decided that there's now way we can't not applaud this engaging little gem.


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Monster Hunter's customization options and hundreds of hours of content make it the game that you won't be playing just for the month, you're going to play it all year.



In a month of delights, that feeling when you finally do overcome your most recent challenge is what boosts Bloodborne to the top of the heap. Lots of games are fun; Very few provide this kind of exhilaration.


Rocket League

Rocket League manages to be one of the best sports games in recent years, and for the way it manages to make matches intense and exhilarating while also bound by a set of well defined rules.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has an air of totality, giving you everything you might want in an open-air RPG, feeling simultaneously enormous and intimate, thus creating personal connections in kingdoms that stretch on for many miles.
