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#1  Edited By caryslan2
Member since 2005 • 2486 Posts

For the record, there is a chart on the article you linked that asks developers what system their current project is being developed for, and it shows the Xbox Series at 34%, only behind the PC(66%), and PS5(35%)

The Xbox Series is also far ahead of Android(24%), iOS(23%), and Nintendo Switch at (18%)

So, while you tried to present a distorted article to make it look like developers aren't supporting the Xbox, the proof is there that shows both the PS5 and Xbox Series well behind PC, but both far ahead of other platforms.

As far as developers not being more interested in the Switch's successor over Xbox, it makes since given it's not only new Nintendo hardware, but a successor to their second most popular system of all time.

But as for games in active development, the Xbox Series is well ahead of almost everything else and only one point behind the PS5.

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#2 caryslan2
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The issue is that the new Xbox consoles that are rumored for this year are new models of the Series S and X which don't offer any upgrades in terms of power and are more mid-gen refreshes.

So yeah, of course there would be less hype behind two mid-gen hardware revisions compared to the next Nintendo platform that people have been anticipating since 2020.

So yeah, not really owning anyone here.

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#3 caryslan2
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@jcafcwbb: What are you talking about? Xbox is still getting a good amount of third party support and games like Street Fighter 6 aren't on Gamepass.

Yeah, PS5 is far ahead of Xbox Series consoles in sales, but Microsoft has sold at least 21 million Series systems so far which means for most third-party titles, it's still worth it to make an Xbox version.

The idea that game pass is the only thing attracting third party support to the Xbox Series systems is wrong.

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#4  Edited By caryslan2
Member since 2005 • 2486 Posts

If anyone is curious, here's some of the franchises that Microsoft now owns.



Call of Duty

Candy Crush

Crash Bandicoot


DJ Hero

Empire Earth

Gabriel Knight

Geometry Wars

Guitar Hero



Heroes of the Storm


Interstate ’76

King’s Quest

Laura Bow Mysteries

The Lost Vikings




Police Quest


Quest for Glory



Soldier of Fortune

Space Quest

Spyro the Dragon


Tenchu (legacy games)


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater

True Crime

World of Warcraft


Basically, not only did Microsoft get their hands on current Activision and Blizzard franchises, but they now own the IPs that defunct publishers like Sierra once owned.

This is actually important because Sierra was a major publisher of mainly Adventure games in the 80s and early 90s.

Oh, and this list does not cover the fact that Microsoft also owns Activision's Atari 2600 games and it does not cover ever IP Activision, Blizzard, or the companies they acquired own.

It goes much deeper than this list, and between Activision Blizzard , Bethesda, Rare, and the other IPs Microsoft already owned, Microsoft now has the largest backlog of games, franchises, and developers.

Microsoft basically owns a large chunk of video game history that covers pretty much every era of gaming.

There is no other publisher on Earth, even major ones like EA, Nintendo, and Sony that come close to the gaming riches Microsoft now owns.

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#5 caryslan2
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To me, Nintendo is a company that has two faces the developer and publisher side and the corporate side.

I love Nintendo the game developer and publisher. There is no doubt that Nintendo has created some of the best games of all time and most Nintendo published games are going to be a fun time.

But I despise the corporate side of Nintendo that goes after Smash tournaments, refuses to offer ways to play their massive backlog on modern console(case in point, Game Boy family games are still not on the Switch Online service despite the Switch being over five years old), their slow and often stubborn refusal to embrace new technology or move with the rest of the industry (Sticking with carts on the N64), trying to bully content providers on YouTube, the list goes on and on.

The corporate side of Nintendo have been ruthless jackasses since the 80s and honestly nothing has changed.

I love Nintendo's games, and still play the new ones to this day. Many of my fondest gaming memories are playing Nintendo games .

But they are often compared to Disney for a reason and it's a fair comparison.

I don't like Disney the corporation, but I have a Disney+ subscription because I love their content especially the Marvel stuff.

For me personally, I separated the two a long time ago.

I love Nintendo the developer and publisher, but I don't like Nintendo the corporation.

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#6 caryslan2
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I honestly don't understand Sony's play here.

If this is meant to counter Microsoft, they kinda paid a huge chunk of change for a single studio.

What do they get besides Destiny? Does Sony get pre-Halo games like Marathon?

Also, they still have to keep Bungie's games multiplat.

I honestly am confused by Sony's move here. This seems like a large chunk of change to pay for one studio and they can't even make those games exclusive.

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#7  Edited By caryslan2
Member since 2005 • 2486 Posts

Microsoft is aiming to take Sony out of the hardware race and they tossed away the kiddy gloves. There is no other way to look at this given in less then two years, they have bought out two of the biggest western third party publishers.

Make no mistake, this hurts Sony badly if they make Call of Duty and Elder Scrolls VI exclusive to the Xbox brand.

Oddly enough, this does little to no harm to Nintendo because a Call of Duty has not been on a Nintendo platform in years and Skyrim was the first Elder Scrolls game to come to a Nintendo platform.

Plus, Nintendo's success in places like Japan(where the Xbox has never established a foothold) also hurts Sony.

Which is the point, Microsoft is out for blood and they will do anything to knock Sony out of the home console race.

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#8 caryslan2
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@Maroxad said:

I honestly thought the PS5 would slow down the Switch somewhat, but yeah, that aint happening.

Honestly, what has come out for the PS5 that would push hardware sales in Japan? Most of the PS5's biggest games that have released are aimed more at western gamers and while Dragon Quest XII and Final Fantasy XVI are on the horzion, those games won't arrive for a good while.

Dragon Quest XII has a good chance of being a multiplatform game and while Final Fantasy XVI is exclusive to the PS5, that series tends to be more popular in the west.

I just don't think the PS5 really has anything that appeals to Japanese gamers while the Switch is getting all kinds of games.

It's a trend I don't see changing anytime soon since by the time something like Dragon Quest XII does arrive on the PS5, it would likely get a port either to the Switch or Nintendo's new home console that will likely be out by then.

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#9 caryslan2
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Here is an old quote from John Carmack which captures my opinion on stories in video games.

"Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not important.”

I have played countless games across numerous platforms over the years, and very few stories stick with me.

Most of the time, I am just waiting for a cutscene to be over so I can get back to my game.

The best video games are the ones that work the story into the gameplay itself, not forcing a player to watch hours of tedious cutscenes.

That's the issue, most stories in video games can't hold a candle to movies, TV Shows, or other media

So honestly, I don't mind in a Mario game has a story no deeper then "Bowser kidnaps the Princess again". I don't play Mario games for their story, I play them for the gameplay.

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#10 caryslan2
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@hrt_rulz01: No kidding. Weren't these games already remastered on the PS4?

The PS4 remaster is backward compatible already with the PS5.

At least Skyward Sword was over a decade old and could not be played on the Switch.

So, a remaster made sense. It just seems like Sony is bleeding more money out of their fans.