Games I've Mastered

This list is made up of only games that I have mastered and conquered rather than just finished. All the secrets that these titles hold have been found by my numerous play throughs.

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Jimbowesker's Score

Danganronpa 1-2 Reload

Not that its very hard to do, but I have cleared all possible difficulties and seen all the unlockable cutscenes as well as gave every friend their ultimate perfect gift to finish this stellar 2 game in 1 edition off. Another amazing Japanese cult classic!!


World of Final Fantasy

Collected every mirage, fought every battle in the dimensions of time and solved every side quest and attained the assistance from every recruit-able Champion to 100% ace this amazing RPG!!!


Resident Evil 3


I Am Setsuna

A touching story of sacrifices, love and compassion make this one of the years best and most underrated RPG's of 2016, It isn't by any means up to technological standards as far as the graphics go, but it offers just as great an experience as most AAA games do. I recently gathered all materials from monsters and gained every Spritnite and Ability.


Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony

Of course, me being a die hard Danganronpa fan, after playing the classic masterpiece that is Danganronopa 1.2 Reload, I had to preorder this three-quel in the series and I must say, I was satisfied with this less-than-stellar 3rd entry. Although it doesnt quite have the appeal as its predecessors, it still captured many long hours of my time and allowed me to gain all trophies in game including the coveted Platinum 100% trophy, showing my mastery and vanquishing of this zany and crazy third in one of my favorite murder mystery franchises. Bring the killing games on in the future, Monokuma!!


Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls

While not nearly as original and chilling as the 1st 2 games in this awesome Japanese anime mystery murder saga, this spinoff stays true to the series in terms of writing and character voice-overs. But anyways, yeah not a lot of skill required to see all there is to see on this one. It will kill time for avid fans to get by till V3 releases this September!!!


LEGO Marvel's Avengers

Collected every Gold Stud and every character token possible making 100% progress. It is actually quite a lengthy task believe it or not..


LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Recently got 100% of Gold Bricks, Character Tokens, Ships, Minikits and Red Bricks to officially master this awesome addition to my LEGO collection!!


Yakuza 0

SEGA releases the previously Japan-exclusive prequel to the wonderful RPG Yakuza series and does so with flying colors. I have managed to clear the game of all sub stories with both Kiryu & majima & finished the main story. 99.9% completion of all activities in the game. What a fantastic reboot!!!


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Completed the game on every difficulty and tried every variation of choices on quests in game. Also, completed Jensen's DLC side stories to fulfill all different outcomes and reap all rewards for this awesome RPG from Square Enix & Eidos Montreal!! Sure is a shame they are not planning on continuing the series due to poor sales!!


Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

The trophies can be a bit hard to accomplish (especially the crushing mode trophy) and some of the treasure and relics are hard to find, but I've managed to play it enough to conquer it.


Final Fantasy Type-0

I've beaten this high replayable FF game like 7 times and have finally conquered the Agito Tower and beaten it on the hardest difficulty. Awesome game.


Final Fantasy VII

From the Golden Chocobo to the Ultimate Weapons, I have discovered all of this wonderful games secrets.


Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster

FFX is easy enough to master but FFX/X-2 is so packed with side gigs and quests that it is very time consuming but I've managed to complete it.


The Last of Us Part II


Valkyria Chronicles

Completed all the missions and obtained and upgraded all my weapons and gear to the max. A great JRPG that is always fun to go back and play after awhile.


Final Fantasy IX

I have officially mastered the wonderful world of Gaia with Zidane and friends, earning all their Ultimate weapons in game and also finding all Chocobo secret locations as well as all Eidolons and other FF classic RPG secrets and references. A masterpiece that still shines in terms of gameplay and sheer fun to this day!!


Resident Evil 2


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

After playing through the missions several times and finding all of the blueprints and tapes, I've defeated it and gotten 100% on it.


Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

I have almost 100% of the trophies and have everything that can be unlocked on the main screen. I have cleared every trial on the multiplayer mode screen and would say that I have mastered this masterpiece!!


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I've slain every creature and explored every inch of this beautiful and amazing RPG from Projekt Redd, and its worth every second I spent on it. (which is over 100 hours)