Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Grand-imperator's Score

Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide


Shining Force: Kamigami no Isan


Shining Force III Scenario 1: Outo no Kyoshin


Dungeon Siege


Out of This World

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Maniac Mansion

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Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

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Sword of Sodan

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Scorched Tanks

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Sensible World of Soccer

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James Pond: Underwater Agent

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Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

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Zork III

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Zork II

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Return to Zork

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Zork I

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Zork Nemesis


Ultima IX: Ascension


Ultima VIII: Pagan (3.5" Disk)

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Ultima VII: The Black Gate

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Ultima VI: The False Prophet

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Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress

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It Came From the Desert

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Cruise for a Corpse

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Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

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Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals

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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare






Death to Spies


Fantasy Wars


Sins of a Solar Empire


Codename: Panzers, Phase One


Imperial Glory


Secret of the Silver Blades

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Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon

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F-19 Stealth Fighter

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Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)

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After Burner


Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel

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Space Quest: Chapter I - The Sarien Encounter

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Desert Strike

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Curse of Enchantia

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Ultima III: Exodus

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Ultima I

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Final Fantasy IV Easytype


Mortadelo y Filemon: Operacion Moscu

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King's Quest: Quest for the Crown (Re-release)

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King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown VGA

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King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne

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King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (Rerelease)

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King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder

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The Secret of Monkey Island


Mortadelo y Filemon: El Escarabajo de Cleopatra (Spanish)

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Mortadelo y Filemon: Mamelucos a la Romana

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Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

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Earthworm Jim


Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle

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Maniac Mansion

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Chrono Trigger


Final Fantasy III


Final Fantasy IV


Final Fantasy V


Final Fantasy


Final Fantasy VI


Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books)



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Bare Knuckle: Ikari no Tekken


Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

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The Lion King

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North & South

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Age of Wonders


Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne



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Gods & Heroes

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Battle Chess

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Battle Chess

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Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager

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Dark Sun: Shattered Lands

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Disney's Aladdin

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Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee


Sonic the Hedgehog


Bare Knuckle II: Shitou no Chinkon Uta


Golden Axe


Wing Commander

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Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi

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Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

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Mortal Kombat: Shinken Kourin Densetsu

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